Useful Industry Links
Australian Brick & Block Laying Training Foundation
The Australian Brick & Blocklaying Training Foundation Ltd (ABBTF) represents clay brick and concrete masonry manufacturers. It was created to address the critical shortage of skilled bricklayers. The purpose is to ensure there is an adequate and competent bricklaying and blocklaying workforce to support the demand for bricks and blocks as a construction material and improve the standing of bricklayers and blocklayers within the building industry.
Australian Building and Construction Commission Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner (ABCC) was established in 2005 and was provided with powers to enforce workplace laws, and to address the problems that the building and construction industry encounters nationally. Its key objective is to ensure that workplace relations laws are enforced in building and construction industry workplaces. The ABCC also promotes proper conduct through educating industry participants on their rights and obligations.
Australian Building Codes Board Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is a joint initiative of all levels of government in Australia and includes representatives from the building industry. The ABCB's mission is to oversee issues relating to health, safety, amenity and sustainability in buildings through the creation of nationally consistent building codes, standards, regulatory requirements and regulatory systems.
Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Bureau of Statistics can help you by providing statistical solutions to make informed decisions. The ABS provides statistics on a wide range of economic and social matters, serving government, business and the general population. Statistics on the ABS website can be accessed free of charge. Customised information can be prepared for you on a fee for service basis.

Australian Construction Industry Forum Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) is Australia’s peak construction industry consultative organization. The ACIF Mission is to create a competitive construction and property industry that is a leader in building a prosperous Australian nation.
Australian Trend Forecast Trend Forecast is this region's peak independent colour forecasting body. Established by the Design Institute of Australia in 1992, Australian Trend Forecast was formed to forecast directions in colour and design for up to two years ahead.Now operating programs in Australia and New Zealand, Australian Trend Forecast provides valuable colour and trend forecasting services for a diverse range of businesses and industries.
Building Designers Association of Australia Building Designers Association of Australia is the peak coordinating body for Building Designers Associations in Australia. The Association is recognised as a proactive leader on issues affecting the built environment and the building industry. The BDAA has been established to represent Building Designers and promote and enhance their worth to all stakeholders at the national level.
Environment Australia Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts deals with a myriad of matters such as: environment protection and conservation of biodiversity; air quality; national fuel quality standards; land contamination; meteorology; environmental research; water policy and resources; ionospheric prediction; renewable energy programs; energy efficiency; greenhouse gas abatement programs, community and household climate action and more.
Housing Industry Association Housing Industry Association is Australia’s largest residential building organisation. HIA is unique, as the only national industry association for all building professionals, representing the interests of the whole housing industry - from trade contractors, builders, and suppliers through to product manufacturers. HIA's logo is proudly displayed as a badge of professionalism on building sites right around Australia.

Institute for Trade Skills Excellence Institute for Trade Skills Excellence (The Institute) promotes and advances learning, teaching and training in Australian trades and skills education and elevates the status of traditional trades and trades education as career choices.The Institute inspires students to take up a trade and rewards and recognises Teachers and Registered Training Organisations who deliver on excellence.
Master Builders ACT Master Builders Association is Australia’s major building and construction industry association. The Master Builders has grown to over 31,200 member companies, with offices in all major cities of Australia. It employs over 250 experienced staff with qualifications in a diverse range of disciplines including building, engineering, law, management, economics, marketing, accounting, industrial relations, safety, building surveying and training.
Master Builders Association Master Builders Association is a major Australian building and construction industry association. Its primary role is to promote the viewpoints and interests of the building and construction industry and to provide services to members in a broad range of areas including training, legal services, industrial relations, building codes and standards, industry economics and international relations.
Master Builders Queensland Builders is Queensland's largest building industry membership organisation representing over 10,000 members including builders, subcontractors, manufacturers, industry consultants and students. Master Builders primary role is to provide industry information, education and technical expertise to members. Master Builders also represents its members on numerous industry and government bodies and is recognised as a powerful lobby group.
Master Builders South Australia Master Builders Association of South Australia is the peak employer body representing the South Australian building and construction industry, and includes Commercial Builders, Civil Contractors, Residential Builders and Specialist Contractors as well as Industry Suppliers and Manufacturers. The Master Builders provides members with representation in Industrial Relations, Lobbying Federal, State and Local Government, Legal and Contractual advice, Training, Insurance and Business Marketing.
Master Builders Victoria Master Builders Association of Victoria was established in 1875 by a group of distinguished builders intent on raising standards within the industry. Since that time the organisation has grown to become a pre-eminent industry voice with members universally renowned for their reliability, skill and professionalism. A broad based organisation, MBAV services the needs of the entire industry, from residential to commercial and engineering businesses, principle contractors to subcontractor.
National Association of Women in Construction National Association of Women in Construction wants to raise the profile of women working in the industry to be a positive instrument for change in the construction industry; to promote and share construction industry best practice; and to meet, support and network with other women in the construction industry. NAWIC has strived to build a dynamic organisation which encourages and supports women in the construction and related affiliate industries.
NATSPEC is the trading name of Construction Information Systems Limited, a not-for-profit organisation that is owned by the design, build, construct and property industry through professional associations and government property groups. It is impartial and is not involved in advocacy or policy development. NATSPEC’s major service is the comprehensive national specification system endorsed by government and professional bodies.
Standards Australia Australia is recognised by the Government as Australia’s peak Standards body. It coordinates standardisation activities, develops internationally aligned Australian Standards® of public benefit and national interest and facilitates the accreditation of other Standards Development Organisations. Through the Australian International Design Awards it promotes excellence in design and innovation.

Think Brick Australia Brick Australia represents Australia’s leading Clay Brick and Paver manufacturers with the purpose to make sure clay brick is recognised as a pre-eminent building material by leading architects, developers, builders and property owners. Think Brick Australia invests in research to ensure brick products and forms of construction lead the debate on sustainability and to develop Climate Design Guides.

Urban Development Institute of Australia has an important national voice in development matters, particularly in relation to initiatives for homebuyers, urban developers, professionals and others who are involved in property development. We take a very active interest in government decisions and decision making processes affecting property. We aim to promote the urban development industry in achieving sustainable urban development.