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While each style has its share of loyal fans – and take our fun quiz to discover your own style – the standout style for many has undoubtedly been Sophisticated Neutrals.
This modern take on sandy tones, off-whites and beachy shades continues to attract buyers because of its versatility and longevity. Suiting a variety of architectural styles, from the Hamptons look to more modern lines, the perennial appeal of neutrals has never diminished; while shades available have added a new level of sophistication with whites, stone greys, and concretes now in the mix.
Sophisticated Neutrals works as an overall style because of the use of different materials within one colour palette – consider silvery grey concrete matched with mid-grey bricks and dark grey roof tiles, all of which link back into the Texture trend. It’s about layering of tones on tones, each with subtle textural differences. Textural elements in brick facades are becoming more popular with new home builders. Adding layers of texture within a limited range of brick colours will increase depth and interest in exteriors, while still keeping a neutral base palette and corresponding modern look.
If the Neutrals are a style that speaks to you, you can even download our moodboard for inspiration and to get you started on the materials you might want to consider when building your dream home.
This modern take on sandy tones, off-whites and beachy shades continues to attract buyers because of its versatility and longevity. Suiting a variety of architectural styles, from the Hamptons look to more modern lines, the perennial appeal of neutrals has never diminished; while shades available have added a new level of sophistication with whites, stone greys, and concretes now in the mix.
Sophisticated Neutrals works as an overall style because of the use of different materials within one colour palette – consider silvery grey concrete matched with mid-grey bricks and dark grey roof tiles, all of which link back into the Texture trend. It’s about layering of tones on tones, each with subtle textural differences. Textural elements in brick facades are becoming more popular with new home builders. Adding layers of texture within a limited range of brick colours will increase depth and interest in exteriors, while still keeping a neutral base palette and corresponding modern look.
If the Neutrals are a style that speaks to you, you can even download our moodboard for inspiration and to get you started on the materials you might want to consider when building your dream home.
Looking for more inspiration? Visit our styles page and get planning. This could be the year your dream home becomes a reality.
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